Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF) Therapy

Committed to remaining at the forefront of plastic surgical innovation, Fort Worth plastic surgeon Jon Kurkjian, MD offers several of the most advanced and effective procedures available to individuals seeking cosmetic enhancement. One such treatment is platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) therapy—a revolutionary technique that uses a patient’s own blood cells to help resolve a variety of different aesthetic concerns and achieve a more youthful appearance. 

To learn all about PRF, we encourage you to explore the information provided throughout this page. If you have any questions, or if you are interested in platelet-rich fibrin therapy and would like to schedule a consultation, please reach out to our practice online or by phone today.

What Is PRF?

PRF (platelet-rich fibrin) is a fibrin-based concentrate of platelets and other growth factors that have been separated from whole blood. This condensed fibrin matrix is abundant in natural elements known to encourage soft tissue repair and skin rejuvenation. As a result, PRF is often utilized in aesthetic medicine to help treat various signs of aging, as well as to promote hair growth for individuals bothered by hair loss. Unlike PRP, PRF does not use anticoagulants, resulting in a natural gel-like product that releases growth factors more slowly, providing a more sustained healing response and enhancing tissue regeneration and healing​.

What Does the PRF Treatment Involve?

Our practice uses a state-of-the-art centrifuge system to prepare platelet-rich fibrin for PRF procedures. To begin the process, a small volume of blood is first extracted from the patient’s own body and collected in a vial. The vial is then placed in the centrifugation system and spun at a slower speed compared to PRP, which helps preserve the fibrin matrix. This slower centrifugation process allows the formation of a gel-like PRF product rich in platelets, white blood cells, and stem cells, which are separated from the rest of the blood components. Once separated, the PRF is carefully collected and ready for use. On average, the entire PRF preparation process takes approximately 20 minutes​.

What PRF Procedures Are Available?

At our practice, platelet-rich fibrin procedures are completed by one of our expert injectors. Depending on one’s needs and goals, PRF therapy can be employed to complement microneedling, treat hair loss, diminish the appearance of various signs of aging, and restore a more youthful facial contour. Each application is highlighted below.

PRF for Microneedling

Microneedling is a minimally invasive treatment designed to enhance the quality, health, and appearance of skin through the stimulation of natural collagen and elastin production. Though microneedling can be an effective procedure on its own, the addition of PRF therapy offers numerous advantages, including greater reliability in the diminishment of facial lines and wrinkles, improvement of skin texture and tone, reduction of enlarged pores and acne scars, and more.

To begin this procedure, the PRF is spread topically across the treatment area(s). The microneedling device is then guided over the skin as it creates tiny microchannels in the surface tissue layers, simultaneously delivering PRF into the skin. Enhanced by the regenerative elements of PRF, this process works to prompt the skin’s natural healing response, effectively promoting the growth of new collagen and elastin. Once microneedling is complete, additional PRF is applied to the treatment region(s) to further encourage skin revitalization.

As a minimally invasive procedure, most patients are able to return to normal daily activities soon after microneedling with PRF. A series of about three sessions is usually needed to achieve an ideal outcome, and results tend to become fully apparent at three months​ 

PRF for Hair Loss

For many men and women experiencing hair loss, PRF therapy has proven to be an exceptional alternative to surgical hair restoration techniques. With platelet-rich fibrin, we are able to help patients enhance the fullness and thickness of their hair using completely natural growth factors.

To perform PRF hair restoration treatments, the collected PRF is carefully injected into targeted depths of skin in the area of hair loss/thinning via an ultra-fine needle. Once administered, the PRF works to restore ideal blood supply and nutrients to dormant hair follicles in the region, effectively revitalizing hair growth. Depending on one’s unique needs, a series of multiple treatments scheduled about one month apart may be needed to achieve optimal results​

PRF Injections for Facial Rejuvenation

PRF injections can be a great option for creating a more youthful facial appearance with incredibly natural-looking results. This natural “filler” can help patients reverse signs of aging like wrinkles and volume loss for smoother skin and a rejuvenated facial shape.

During treatment, our team will strategically direct PRF beneath the dermis in targeted areas of the face using a very fine needle. Once injected, the PRF works to gradually enhance skin texture and volume as the body produces new collagen, blood vessels, and fatty tissue as part of the natural healing response.

Following treatment, the majority of individuals are able to resume their daily schedules with little to no downtime. The rejuvenating effects of PRF injections tend to improve over the course of two to three months, and ideal results typically last one to two years—if not longer​.

How Much Does PRF Therapy Cost?

The cost of PRF therapy varies based on several factors, including the proper amount and locations of your PRF injections. To determine exact pricing for PRF, our aesthetics team will meet with you in person during a consultation at our practice. At this time, they can assess your unique needs and develop a customized treatment plan to achieve your aesthetic goals. 

Based on this plan, a personalized quote can be provided that outlines all components contributing to the total expense. If you are interested in financial aid, Dr. Kurkjian accepts payment via several healthcare lenders that can make PRF affordable for virtually any budget. To learn more, please visit our page on plastic surgery financing.

Schedule a Consultation for PRF Therapy

For more information, or if you are considering treatment and would like to find out if PRF therapy is right for you, please feel free to contact us today.

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