How Long Is Recovery Following Breast Lift with and without Implants?

recovery from breast lift surgery, Fort Worth TXI recommend all breast lift patients take one week off from desk work. This may be longer if your work requires more physical activity. Most patients can return to cardio exercise regimens after two to three weeks, though heavy lifting and yoga stretches should be avoided for six weeks in order to allow any incisions to be fully healed. Most patients feel ready to return to work after one week. It is important that all patients stop any activity that causes them discomfort after surgery.

The addition of breast implants to the procedure does not typically affect recovery significantly. The immediate postoperative period will include more muscle soreness with placement of a breast implant because the pectoralis major muscle is stretched when the implant is placed under the muscle. Any difference in postoperative recovery is minimal and probably shouldn’t greatly affect your decision to pursue implants with your breast lift.

At my practice, our patients are seen the next weekday after surgery to ensure that the recovery process starts smoothly. During this visit, our patients are examined closely to make certain that any early issues are addressed. After-care instructions are reviewed in detail, and all questions are answered until there are none remaining. I like to see all patients again one week after surgery to monitor all incisions and surgical areas. Following this appointment, the next office visits are typically scheduled for three weeks, three months, six months and yearly after surgery. We encourage patients to make appointments sooner if they prefer closer monitoring or if any questions arise.

Ultimately, we are committed to exceptional communication to ensure our patients feel confident and secure through their entire recovery!

Dr. Jon Kurkjian, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

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To learn more about what to expect following breast lift surgery, or if you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Kurkjian, please contact our office today.

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