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Liposuction is for Refining Contours

With summer right around the corner, many people have been working hard to eat healthily and exercise regularly to get in shape for trips to the beach, weekends at the lake, or simply hanging out at the pool. While these efforts are likely helping most ... Continue Reading

How Long Do Facelift Results Last?

*There are a variety of factors that can influence the longevity of facelift surgery results, some of which include the patient’s skin quality, the particular technique employed by their plastic surgeon and the lifestyle they lead in ... Continue Reading

What Is the Best Age for a Facelift?

As time passes, the formation of lines and wrinkles, skin laxity, and numerous other aging symptoms on the face is inevitable. However, due to factors such as genetics, lifestyle choices, sun exposure, and various environmental elements, these signs of aging don’t always develop at the ... Continue Reading

Abdominoplasty and Pregnancy

Two common questions I hear from women considering abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) are: “Can I undergo abdominoplasty prior to having children?” and “Are there any serious risks if I become pregnant after tummy tuck surgery?” Although the answers to these inquiries may vary from patient to ... Continue Reading

Will I Have Noticeable Scarring After a Breast Lift?

Noticeable scarring following breast lift surgery (mastopexy) is a concern many prospective patients share. Unfortunately, some degree of scarring after mastopexy is unavoidable, as the removal of excess skin and the reshaping/repositioning of breast tissues requires the employment of strategically placed incisions. Depending on your ... Continue Reading


Anti-Aging: The Knife vs. The Needle

Like many choices in life, cosmetic surgery and non-invasive injectables are not mutually exclusive, but rather complementary options critical to modern facial rejuvenation. Surgery plays an absolutely critical role to facial rejuvenation that no device or injectable can replace. The “knife” enables us to remove ... Continue Reading

How Much Does a Breast Lift Cost?

Medically referred to as a mastopexy, breast lift surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure designed to lift and reshape the breasts for a rejuvenated contour and more youthful appearance. At my practice, the cost of a breast lift typically begins at $7,000, which includes the ... Continue Reading


How to Establish Realistic Expectations for Rhinoplasty

One of the biggest keys to being fully satisfied with the outcomes of cosmetic surgery is having realistic expectations prior to your treatment. That’s not to say your particular procedure of interest can’t address all of your needs and help you achieve each of your ... Continue Reading

Rhinoplasty Candidates

Am I a Candidate for Rhinoplasty?

Sometimes referred to as nasal surgery and/or a “nose job”, rhinoplasty is a popular procedure designed to improve the appearance of the nose for a more balanced and harmonious facial aesthetic. Most commonly, individuals interested in cosmetic and/or reconstructive nasal surgery wish to decrease or ... Continue Reading

In The Media


1.Predictable Control of Tip Projection and Rotation: Septal Extension Grafts. Rod, J. Rohrich, Jamil Ahmad, T. Jonathan Kurkjian, H. Steve Byrd. Dallas Rhinoplasty: Nasal Surgery by the Masters, Third Edition. 2014.

2.Adjusting Rotation of the Nasal Tip. Rod J. Rohrich, Georges Tabbal, T. Jonathan Kurkjian, Jamil Ahmad. Dallas Rhinoplasty: Nasal Surgery by the Masters, Third Edition. 2014.

3.Importance of the Alar-Columellar Relationship. Jack P. Gunter, Rod J. Rohrich, T. Jonathan Kurkjian, Jamil Ahmad. Dallas Rhinoplasty: Nasal Surgery by the Masters, Third Edition. 2014.

4.The Role of Soft Tissue Fillers in Rhinoplasty. Rod J. Rohrich, T. Jonathan Kurkjian, Jamil Ahmad. Dallas Rhinoplasty: Nasal Surgery by the Masters, Third Edition. 2014.

5.Classifying Deformities of the Columella Base in Rhinoplasty. Michael R. Lee, Georges Tabbal, T. Jonathan Kurkjian; Jason Roostaeian; Rod J. Rohrich. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. April 2014.

6.Soft-Tissue Fillers in Rhinoplasty. T. Jonathan Kurkjian, Jamil Ahmad, Rod J. Rohrich. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. February 2014.

7.Anatomy of the Supratrochlear Nerve: Implications for the Surgical Treatment of Migraine Headaches. Jeffrey E. Janis, Daniel A. Hatef, Robert Hagan, Timothy Schaub, Jerome H. Liu, HemaThakar, Kelly M. Bolden, Justin B. Heller, T. Jonathan Kurkjian. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery. April 2013.

8.The Effect of the Columellar Strut on Nasal Tip Position. Rodney J. Rohrich, T. Jonathan Kurkjian, Ronald E. Hoxworth, Phillip J. Stephan, Ali Mojallal. Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. October 2012.

9.Role of the Columellar Strut in Rhinoplasty – Indications and Rationale. Ron Hoxworth, Rodney J. Rohrich, T. Jonathan Kurkjian. Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. January 2012.

10.Brow Lift in Facial Rejuvenation: A Systematic Literature Review of Open versus Endoscopic Techniques. Darrell W. Graham, Justin Heller, T. Jonathan Kurkjian, Timothy Schaub, Rod J. Rohrich.Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. October 2011.

11.Impact of the Current Economy on Facial Cosmetic Surgery. T. Jonathan Kurkjian, Jeffrey M. Kenkel. Aesthetic Surgery Journal. September 2011.

12.Refinements in Abdominoplasty – A 20-year single surgeon review. Andrew P. Trussler, T. Jonathan Kurkjian, Daniel Hatef, Rodney J. Rohrich. Journal of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. October 2010.

13.Soft Tissue Fillers in Secondary Rhinoplasty: Jamil Ahmad, T. Jonathan Kurkjian, Rod J. Rohrich: Secondary Rhinoplasty by the Global Masters Volume 1

14.Altering Tip Rotation and Projection: Jamil Ahmad,Rod J. Rohrich, Georges N. Tabbal, T. Jonathan Kurkjian: Secondary Rhinoplasty by the Global Masters Volume 1

15.The Alar Rims and Columella: Rod J. Rohrich, Jamil Ahmad, T. Jonathan Kurkjian: Secondary Rhinoplasty by the Global Masters Volume 1

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