How Long Is Recovery After a Mommy Makeover?

Tummy Tuck RecoveryRecovery from a Mommy Makeover typically ranges from three days to two weeks, depending on the extent of procedures being performed. Though a Mommy Makeover often combines abdominal contouring with breast surgery, the abdominal operation – i.e. liposuction and/or abdominoplasty – is generally the deciding factor for how long recovery may be.

In most instances, liposuction of the abdomen is a relatively quick recovery with the majority of patients returning to work and/or non-strenuous activities within three to five days. On the other hand, most individuals require about two weeks before fully resuming their normal daily routines following tummy tuck surgery. As a result, the downtime that can be expected after a Mommy Makeover will generally be approximately two weeks when abdominoplasty is involved, regardless of which other procedures are performed in conjunction. Should the Mommy Makeover be a bit more extensive, however, additional recuperation may be necessary to ensure the targeted regions have ample time to heal.

Ultimately, it is important to note that recovery and downtime are different for every patient. After customizing a treatment plan based on your unique needs and goals, I can more accurately provide a timeframe of what you may be able expect following your Mommy Makeover procedure.

– Dr. Jon Kurkjian, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon

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